Secret Base is a membership-based online community to connect you andリョウ(Ryo).
Memebers access exclusive contents and benefits including works created.
By joining Secret Base you can directly supportリョウ(Ryo) and his activities.
Membership Benefits
Secret Base adopts a pre-admission system.
Processing your registration can take up to 10 days.
Credit card payment will occur on the 1st of every month.
This is a secret community. Penalty applys for leakage of confidential information.
Libel and slander are prohibited in the community. Breaches of rules can result in revocation of your membership.
Rejection of your application occurs if you don’t have a trustworthy facebook account,
e.g. an inactive acount with no photos or friends, and/or using a fake name. -
Monthly fee: 500 JPY. - Paying method: PayPal only.